Managers are the Hub for Employee Wellbeing and Engagement

Managers are the Hub for Employee Wellbeing and Engagement

As I completed my graduate school degree, I was interviewing for a position with a college. While meeting with college student leaders, I was asked an interview question that remains my strangest one to date — “If the team was a bicycle, what part of the bike would you be?” Uhh…my knowledge of bicycle anatomy...…
Reimagining Organizational Culture Through the Power of Employee Experience

Reimagining Organizational Culture Through the Power of Employee Experience

“Employee engagement” is the catch phrase right now among organizations of all sizes and industries — corporations, nonprofits, onsite teams, and remote. While we do think it should be a focus area for leaders, the ethOs team also challenges our clients to look closer at what employee engagement really means. What we hear from clients...…
Give Your Employees the Experience of Clear Communications

Give Your Employees the Experience of Clear Communications

When it comes to creating great employee experiences, communication matters — a LOT. In fact, almost every organization the ethOs team works with on improving their company culture struggles with the best ways to communicate with employees without overwhelming them with endless messages. Through our discovery process, leaders take a step back and consider the...…
Think Outside the Benefits Box to Enhance Employee Experiences

Think Outside the Benefits Box to Enhance Employee Experiences

A recent survey of Midwest employers on current recruitment and retention strategies reported that while companies still consider competitive pay and traditional benefits as important components of an employment package, they are also increasingly adding less conventional benefits to further differentiate themselves from the hiring competition. The survey indicated that in addition to going beyond...…
Five Ways to Assess and Improve Your Workplace Culture

Five Ways to Assess and Improve Your Workplace Culture

If I asked you to define your workplace culture, could you? What if I changed the question to: how would you describe the way your workplace feels? Regardless of whether it is a good feeling or not so great, how you normally feel while in the workspace is the most representative of the culture. At...…
Reimagine Reboarding for New Parents

Reimagine Reboarding for New Parents

It’s been two months since I returned to work after having my second child. Reboarding, the process someone goes through when coming back from an extended leave, isn’t discussed nearly as much the offboarding required to prepare for maternity and paternity leave. While leaders and employees pour hours into transitioning work, upskilling other employees to...…